主催 愛知物理サークル Stray Cats group

This site is designed to support Physics teachers who aim for enjoyable and essential lessons and those who want to brighten children's eyes with experimental events.
Our goal is to promote enjoyable and essential handmade Physics experiments to the world and make children love Physics. We welcome your use of this site and hope that you will find it useful and informative.


I am sure you have all done an experiment where you attached a few strings to a Van de Graff ball using sticky tape and make them spread out by the electrostatic force. Wasn't it a bit difficult to remove the tape after the experiment? It is very convenient if you make a paper hat with a string (photo above) on it. It can be put on and taken off freely. If one put it on his/her head and electrify the body, you can see the result in the photo below. Even skin head man will spread their hair and have a good laugh!



""Seeing blinking point lights through CD.""
Remove the coating from the surface of the CD to create a transparent diffraction grating. When you look at the blinking Christmas lights through it, "It's fantastic!" They are sure to captivate your students in class or at an event!

"Molecular Motion Experiments in a bottle”
A simple molecular motion experiment device was made using a liquor bottle with a soft plastic lid. By placing a lightweight Styrofoam ball inside, you can also do the model experiment of buoyancy!

Stray Cats' books on Physics experiments
Sorry, they are written in Japanese.
Click below to see the contents.
「いきいき物理わくわく実験 1 (Lively Physics and Exciting Experiments 1)」日本評論社 
「いきいき物理わくわく実験 2 (Lively Physics and Exciting Experiments 2)」日本評論社 
「いきいき物理わくわく実験 3 (Lively Physics and Exciting Experiments 3)」日本評論社 


「教室に衝撃波!(Make a shock wave in Physics class!)」
click here,and you can see the sample page.